Month: October 2017

Moisturise your Skin

ย  ย  ย  ย  During winter it is important to moisturise the skin to avoid dryness. There are two ways of moisturising are body oil & body cream.

How to use body oils:


After you take a shower, apply enough amount of oil body to your skin. let it sit for a few minutes then massage your skin to absorb it.


How to use body creams:


The second step after applying oil has applied a cream. Apply an amount of body cream to your body and let it set on your skin to give you softness. Avoid cream has “alcohol” in their ingredients because it makes skin dry.

to make your smell nice wear your favorite perfume after body cream that will make the perfume stay longer.

tell me what you prefer using body oil or body cream and why?? share with me your favourite one…